CNS and Airports

CNS and Airports

SAERCO has qualified professionals for training the following technical profiles:

  • ATSEP (basic and qualification) required to render CNS services.
  • Airport systems maintenance techniques: power plant, markings, multiservice network, IP telephony, etc.

We provide the required knowledge and respond to training needs, based on the systems available at a given airport, planning the contents, facilities and teaching materials needed to prepare the professionals of the future.

In relation to training associated with the CNS service (ATSEP personnel), providers must ensure that all technical and engineering personnel that carry out operational tasks related to security, such as CNS / ATM systems and equipment operation and maintenance, are adequately trained to carry out the tasks they are responsible for:

  • Preventative, corrective and adaptive maintenance of equipment.
  • In flight and ground calibration of radio navigation aid.
  • Control, management or operational monitoring of systems / equipment.
  • Development, review or modification of maintenance procedures or rules relating to systems / equipment

Following these requirements and in accordance with what is specified in the EUROCONTROL guides on the subject:

  • EUROCONTROL SPEC-132 Specification for Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel Common Core Content Initial Training.
  • EUROCONTROL GUID-145 Guidelines for Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel System/Equipment Rating Training.

SAERCO has developed a full training itinerary for ATSEP personnel (Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel), which consists of an obligatory initial basic phase, followed by several qualifying modules based on the specific role that personnel will carry out.


Provides the previous knowledge necessary for the completion of qualifying instruction, giving a general overview of the CNS / ATM environment from a technical and operational perspective, the most important systems and equipment, as well as the role that each employee will play in this complex environment.

  1. Initiation (IND)
  2. Familiarisation with Air Traffic (ATF)
  3. Aeronautical Information Services (AIS)
  4. Meteorology (MET)
  5. Communications (COM)
  6. Navigation (NAV)
  7. Surveillance (SUR)
  8. Data processing (DAT)
  9. Monitoring and Control System (SMC)
  10. Maintenance procedures (MTN)
  11. Facilities (FAC)
  12. Safety
  13. Human influence
  14. Miscellaneous

At the end of the course, the candidate will be able to work as a technician on maintenance tasks and communication system use, from earth to earth and earth to air.

    1. VOICE
  1. Voice
  2. Data
  3. Transmission routes
  4. Recorders
  5. Miscellaneous

At the end of the course, the candidate will be able to work as a technician on maintenance tasks and use of radio aid systems.

  1. PBN
  2. 2. Earth based systems – NDB
  3. 2. Earth based systems – DFI
  4. 2. Earth based systems – VOR
  5. 2. Earth based systems – DME
  6. 2. Earth based systems – ILS
  7. Boarding equipment
  8. Miscellaneous

At the end of the course, the candidate will be able to work as a technician on maintenance tasks and use of surveillance equipment systems.

  1. Primary radar
  2. Secondary radar
  3. ADS
  4. HMI
  5. Transmission of surveillance data
  6. Operational security
  7. Data processing systems
  8. Miscellaneous

At the end of the course, the candidate will be able to work as a technician on maintenance tasks and use of data processing systems.

  1. Operational security (DAT FSA)
  2. Data processing systems (DAT DPS)
  3. Process (DAT PRO)
  4. Data (DAT DAT)
  5. Communications
  6. Surveillance
  7. Miscellaneous

At the end of the course, the candidate will be able to work as a technician in maintenance tasks and use of monitoring and control systems.

  1. Structure of aerial navigation services (ANS)
  2. ANS systems and equipment
  3. Tools, processes and procedures of SMC
  4. Technology
  5. Introduction to communications
  6. Introduction to navigation
  7. Introduction to surveillance
  8. Introduction to data processing
  9. Miscellaneous

Complements previous qualification courses.

  1. Operational safety (SHR SAF).
  2. Health and safety (SHR HAS).
  3. Human influence (SHR HUM).